Thursday, February 18, 2016

Asian Auschwitz

This article( was extremely disturbing. Not just for what the Japanese did, but also for the fact that all of them got pardoned if they shared their results. That makes it seem like it was all okay. They never apologized or atoned for the wrongs that they did.What Ishii and all of Unit 731 did is horrible. The things they did deprived people of their humanity. They were treated worse than animals. It is disturbing to think of cutting and dissecting people when they could feel it, and even that they were still alive. It is also horrible that the doctors and assistants got used to cutting humans open alive, and the screams that the emitted. Science is horrible excuse for these crimes; especially with the fact that some did not even have a scientific purpose. They did all of this to find biological weapons that were outlawed in the Geneva Protocol. The Japanese signed this and they still went about with this project. Even if Emperor Hirohito did not know what was going on many government officials knew all too well about this. The Emperors younger brother and the prime minister of Japan knew about these experiments. They even supported the acts that went on in Unit 731. The Japanese may have had less prisoners, but I fear that these people should have been treated the same as the Nazi higher-ups. I think that there were many better ways to find out a lot of the information that was uncovered at Unit 731. They did not need to cut people open alive to remove their organs, or inject them with strange things. Some of the things did not have a medical purpose at all like injecting someone with horse urine. I don’t see a purpose in cutting off limbs and sewing them back on the wrong way.These things were all crimes against humanity, and should have been treated as such. They should not have peen pardoned for their crimes. That puts the US down to the level of those who committed the experiments. I think the Japanese should have had to send out apologies. They started plagues and did such horrible thing to so many people, yet they don’t have to apologies for anything, all because they gave out the results of the results of their twisted acts? I think the Japanese committed a horrible wrong but the US should not have pardoned. This whole situation is just messed up. 

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