Monday, September 28, 2015

Bacha Bazi

After reading the article on bacha bazi, translated to boy play, I am appalled. This is disgusting. I know that in Afghanistan that it is an acceptable thing to do, but how can it be happening on our military bases. Can we not have our rules in place on our base? No matter where it is I think it is wrong, but why can’t our soldiers stick up for what they think is right. They have to live with people who are sexually abusing young boys. Our soldiers can hear the screams of young boys, but they have to turn their head and let it go. If they do anything about it they can be dishonorably discharged from the military.

This practice shows how little human rights exist there. A young boy can be raped, kidnaped, and used as servant and no one bats an eye at it besides some of our soldiers. Also if a woman tries to stick up for her son, or another young boy, they can be brutally beat. There is no punishment for any of this. And the only punishment for raping a young girl is one day in prison and the young girl must marry her rapist. There isn’t even a punishment for a man murdering his daughter for kissing a boy. Only full grown males have any rights as humans. It is sick and disgusting.

Click the link to see the site of the article. Bacha Bazi.

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