Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kennedy Assassintion

I don’t think that the nation truly lost its innocence on that day. I feel that there was no innocence in the government, but many of the people still had theirs. I don’t think that the people should have blamed themselves, only the people involved should. If the witnesses spoke up they were killed, they were killed for trying to get the truth out of the government. I think that JFK’s assassination scared many people and after learning of the conspiracy it made the people doubt their government. I feel that this made people lose their trust in many officials on public and state and federal levels. On a world basis I think it had less of an effect but that it showed other countries that our government is not to be trusted. If the government doesn’t mind killing its own leader, why would it question killing anyone else? They may have also got other countries to question their own government; to think about what their leaders are letting them know and see. I feel that the trust in our government is very low, and that unless something happens it will get even lower. With all of the government conspiracy’s going on how can the people in future generation trust them; how can people now trust our government. This assassination just added another peg on reasons to not trust our government. Some people may have blamed themselves, but the government would have fought back, it was out of our hands.
Article on loss of innocence can be found here

I believe that 9/11 had a similar effect on our people. It made the people question what our government would do to get what it wants. How much are they willing to do? Will there ever be a stopping point? Can our government be free of the people in it that are doing this, or would we have to build an entirely new government to free ourselves of the injustice. How long would a new government even last if we made one? Can we even make a government that will work for the people and not for itself? These are questions that I now wonder after thinking about what our government did. If I can think this up, who many other can. I believe that this is what some of the American population does or would think after thinking about the things that our government did, and covered up. How many other things have our government did and covered up. Did the government kill RFK? Did they kill MLK? How long has the government been doing these conspiracies? Could it date back to Abraham Lincoln? We will never know, because the government is hiding what they did to save their skins, they are waiting until we forget all of the things they have done so that they can strike again. Never forget. Let this live on; do not let the conspirators win. Do not let the Illuminati win. Yes, I say Illuminati, because I believe that our government and all other governments are part of the Illuminati.

In my opinion it was the government that killed John F Kennedy. I don’t feel that any one person had the power to plan this, and most of the other organizations couldn’t either. To be able to change the parade route needs special authority, along with the lack of agents in the crowd, and other stuff that could only be done by the government. I think that they killed JFK because he wanted to end the war and make a time of peace. War makes money, boosts manufacturing, and helps most economies, so they wanted to stop him before he could stop the war. I feel that it was not a coincident that JFK and MLK were shot soon after JFK. I feel that they were all conspiracy’s to make this a time of war instead of peace. I believe that this was our government, but the government is only a small part of this, it all boils down to the Illuminati.

Going off of the Illuminati idea Lee Harvey Oswald, Kennedy’s alleged killer, Lee has 3 letters, James Earl Ray, MLK’s alleged killer, and Ray has 3 letters. There is 3 points on a triangle, triangular pyramid, the pyramids in Egypt are triangular pyramids. The pyramids have the All Seeing Eye, and when you mix a pyramid with the All Seeing Eye you get the Illuminati. Some may think that all of these are coincidences, but how has all this power to kill all of the people looking for peace. The governments all around the world, that’s who. All of the world governments are controlled by the super power that is the Illuminati. All of the war, conspiracy killings, mafia, trade, and leaders are all planed by the Illuminati. This stuff was never our choice, it was all planed by the all seeing eye.