Monday, March 21, 2016

Trump and Nixon Comparison and contraction.

Donald trump and Richard Nixon had the same stance to deal with the same problem. Both Trump and Nixon had the trouble of minority protesters at their rallies. The protesters said that the candidate was racist and that they were against them. In both cases the presidential candidate allied with the police. This makes a lot sense because the majority of the U.S. trusts the police. With putting support in the police it leaves the candidate out of some of the blame. People cannot say that the candidate did anything wrong because they let the proper authorities deal with it. And many U.S citizens believe that the police are trust worthy. Trump even told people that he believes that the police are some of the most mistreated people in this country. Also in both cases the Democrats against the candidate took the other side of the argument. They said that the acts were racist and that the democratic candidate could fix it. Both Nixon and Trump had very similar stances on the presence of some differences with Trump and Nixon is that Nixon blamed the problems in crime on the minorities. Trump did not say anything against their race at the rally, he did insult the protesters, but he did not blame the entire African American people for the nation’s crime.