Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Veterans Blog

What are your thoughts on murder charges during a war?

I think that the murder charges and rules of engagement (ROE) should not be constantly changing, and that our forces shouldn’t face that much scrutiny. I do agree that there needs to be rules and charges for some things, but the lawyer would not know the entire story. The officer could see something as hostile that others may not. You don’t know the intent the others have, and they lawyers weren’t there. With the case in the article I read you do not specifically know the specifics of the orders or how the bikers approached them.

Towards the end of the article there is a quote "Citizenship is a duty, not a privilege."  I would like you to read the article and respond to the quote above.

In response to the quote "Citizenship is a duty, not a privilege," I agree to a degree. There are things American people should do as a citizen, but it is the privilege that others have earned for us. I think you should not just sit around. If people can I think they should find a way to give back to the country. They should volunteer to help an organization, pick up some sort of litter, or stand up for what they believe in. if people believe that the veterans are not being treated fairly they should stand up for it. One person standing up alone can’t do much, but when many that believe in the same thing stand together things can change.

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